Wednesday, October 7, 2009

We are all heading home now

Monday, October 5, 2009

The elder child: 34.25 in 28.5 lbs. Tabitha is three years five months fifteen days.

The Eagle has Landed.

Sabrina Bianca Paigen joined her family at 9:35 am. 8lbs 15oz. 20inches long by ceasarian section. Everyone is great.
Sabrina is nursing well
Sabrina is 20 in 8 lbs 15 oz
Sabrina bianca 935am 2009-10-05
On our way to OR
Saw doc. She has to do rounds first. Then us.
Ready, i think. Waiting for doctor.
In prep
Processed, stamped, and tagged. Now back in the waiting room.


D stands for delivery and today is the day. Nothing ever came of the contractions that went on last night so, C/Section today. I called Kaiser to see if there was 'room at the inn' and they said, "Why yes, please come in between 6:45 and 7:00." So we are getting dressed and cleaned and brushed and all sundry things that need to happen. Bags are packed by the front door. Wish us luck!!

From here on out updates will be via cell text and Facebook if you are on it. We will do both.

Love to you

Cindy, David, Tabitha +1
Test from davids phone

Sunday, October 4, 2009

41w1d, C-Section theory.

The eviction date is for tomorrow. I was running around all day getting the last bits finished that I needed to get done and wouldn't you know it...OW~ That was a contraction pain, oh and a few minutes later? YIKES, there is another one. Crap.

Oh, but the fun continues. I call my doula and put her on alert about what is going on and she says OK but then she calls me back about an hour later...."Uh Cindy, I have another mommy in labor and don't know if I am going to be able to make it for you tonight or tomorrow morning. My backup doula is sick so here is the number of another doula that you have never met ever in your life but she will come for C-Section support stuff." Oh, ok. So granted I am over a week late but DAMN!

So, I am having some disorganized contractions, baby is moving around fine and I am supposed to call at 6am to make sure that there is room at the inn. That is unless this contraction thing turns into something real.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

40w4d OB/GYN appointment tomorrow

This should be fun @ 8:30am.

I was considering asking her to just do the section now and get it over with but I think that I still want to give the little one a chance to make an appearance on her own before Monday.
Blessedly I have a 90 min massage scheduled for tomorrow afternoon. I should be far less pissy tomorrow... and everyone can rejoice.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

40 Weeks

Yep, 40 weeks have come and gone and this little girl shows absolutely no sign of showing.

I went to the faire again this weekend because really, what else was I going to do? I could sit around at home alone and/or walk the neighborhood or I could sit around with a bunch of my friends and walk around the faire. I decided to go to the faire and walk around there and sell beer for a little while in the morning. It was very fun and I got to play in the ice water and toss it people and generally have a silly time. Since I wasn't in labor or even having Braxton Hicks at all I thought, what the hell! Tabitha even helped me sell a few beers, it is amazing what kind of tips you can get with a big pregnant belly and a cute 3 year old helping. She got her face painted like a puppy in the morning. It was a little smeared by the time I saw her but she was still cute.

Now home again after a lovely warm shower and ready to get on with this baby thing. Come on little girl. You only have 8 days until your surgical eviction. If you want to come out in the 'standard fashion' you had better get on with it.

oh, and no one suggest to me to have sex to get the baby out. no one.


Monday, September 21, 2009

Reluctant Girl!!

Went to see my doctor today for my 39 week checkup and this is one reluctant baby! She is indeed head down but she is sideways, laying on my right side. Her butt and back are along the right side of my belly and her feet are up in my lungs. Doc says that the cervix is nice and soft but that her head is WAY up there. I am supposed to have a little 'talk' with her and get her to reconsider engaging her head so that she comes out someday soon.

I am not uncomfortable or in pain really other than having a nasty cough that I can't seem to get rid of...that is making me crankier than anything. Every time I lay down I cough and cannot get to sleep because of the 'tickle' in my throat that wont stop. Lozenges, tea and water are not helping. I have (sort of) mastered the neti pot to clear out the nasal passages and that is helping. WHY must I have a 2-week long cold on top of being massively preggo? Seems totally unfair.
Sorry about all the complaining. I hope to be complaining about contractions soon instead.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Save me from math and ultrasounds

Yesterday was a pretty good day for the most part...well parts of it were good and parts of it were less than stellar. I got to have a moderate 'sleep' in. I use sleep in quotes because, lets face it sleep is not something that I get to do for more than an hour at a time really. I have been feeling myself getting sick, which is terrible because I was just sick 2 weeks ago and here I was about to get sick again. Common cold with the added benefit of an nasty sore throat that made it extremely difficult to swallow. Oh, and pink eye in both eyes.

I went to the doc and because I am almost 39 weeks pregnant they sent me to the OB/GYN clinic.Well, Ok. The doctor examined me and said, :Yeah you have an upper respiratory infection and there is not much we can do for it." and gave the standard yadda yadda; liquids, hydrate, salt water rinse. As I was walking out I reminded her about the pink eye and asked for something for it and she said, "That is something that you will have to go to internal medicine for." Grrrrrrrrr

I traveled my happy ass to internal medicine and put in a request for the medication and I sat and sat and sat some more. Physician's assistant came out and said that the doc wanted to look at my eyes and see if I needed the medicine (even though I have had pink eye several times ) Sure fine, I will wait. I sat in the room for 10 min and the nurse came in and said that the doc would see me but I needed to go out to the lobby and register again and pay the copay AGAIN to be seen. So I got up and left. I have neosporin at home and it does the same thing (read this on a pediatrician's blog once).

Lunch was obtained and napping occurred, both super lovely things. Right now I have weekly pregnancy massage appointments at a local birthing center and I went and saw my best friend of the moment Kirstin who does such a lovely rub. She asked if I wanted her to do acupressure on the spots that can help to jump start labor and I said to go for it. Did a little focused breathing practice while she pushed hard on a few spots that are supposed to help encourage labor to start.

Because of this crazy..I.Must.Get.Things.Done.Before.The.Baby.Comes insanity going on in my head I had an appointment at Dream Dinners to go make some dinners so that I could fill up my freezer with food since I doubt I will be much in the mood to cook for quite some time, (love love love me some Dream Dinners, look them up if you are so inclined. There may be one in your area When that task was finished I went and had the manna of preggos everywhere, Taco Bell...Mmmmmm Taco Bell but I'll be damned if I didn't break a tooth on my nachos. FARK! There is no way in hell that I can do labor with a cracked crown because I will certainly break it the rest of the way and then I will have to worry about that on top of everything else I have to worry about.

Fell asleep at a lovely hour of 10 and then was awakened by small contractions at 4am. They were not so strong that I had to focus or breathe through them but they were annoying enough to wake me up and keep me awake for awhile. I pretended to sleep through them and it is possible that I dozed here and there. After all, that is the only sleep I get anyway dozing every 45 to 90 min.

Went to the doctor for an ultrasound to check baby position and she is all kittywhompus in there. Head down but sideways. Curved in a C along my right side and "butt where your pancreas used to be" with an added twist in the middle for gymnastic emphasis. She had best figure it out and turn the correct way and soon. That won't be fun to try to push out. The ultrasound tech said, "She is 7lbs 15oz, give or take 20oz" GIVE OR TAKE 20 OZ? That means 9lbs 2oz OR 6lbs 4oz if my math is correct. That seems like an insane range, holy guacamole people. Wish me luck or plastic surgery to fix this up when I'm done.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Crampy City

Last night I was having one long contraction and, of course, David was not home because he was at a work function. I was having fun updating him via text message and getting back drunk texts from him (ok, he wasn't that drunk but it was still funny). We are in the wait now, baby will come when she is ready. I am 38 weeks pregnant and am attempting to VBAC with a lovely doula named Diana. If the baby doesn't come on her own I have a scheduled C-Section on October 5th at 7:45am.

Sleeping sucks, a lot. My hips hurt if I lay on my side for longer than 90 min which means I can never sleep for more than 90 min before waking. It is starting to get exciting on this end. I have so much left to do. My list is longer than my ambition.